Tom The Atom Books 17-21

A Book Series by Dr. MUM

Tom The Atom - Book 17

Learning Objectives (A Review Books 12-16: Concepts learned on Silicon, an atom from the family of Metalloids. Positive and Negative Doping. Introductory concept of Semiconductors and their use in solid Batteries).

Tom The Atom - Book 18

Learning Objectives (New Concept: Nitrogen atoms, their family and characteristics. Fertilizers, and the Nitrogen cycle). Curriculum: Framework: LS1.C, ESS2.A. NGSS: MS-LS2-3, HS-ESS2-6, HS-LS1-7. NGSSS: SC.7.L.17.2, SC.912.L.17.9, SC.912.L.18.7.

Tom The Atom - Book 19

Learning Objectives (New Concepts: Sulfur Atoms and their Place in the Periodic Table. Polymerization: Monomers and Polymers). Curriculum: Framework: PS1.A, PS1.B. NGSS: MS-PS1-1, HS-PS1-2, HS-PS2-6. NGSSS: SC.8.P.8.7, SC.912.P.8.6, SC.912.P.8.9.

Tom The Atom - Book 20

Learning Objectives (New Concepts: No Metals representative: Chlorine. Oxidation- Reduction. Ionic bonds, and electron affinity. Halogens family). Curriculum: Framework: PS1.A, PS1.B. NGSS: MS-PS1-2, HS-PS1-1, HS-PS1-2. NGSSS: SC.8.P.8.7, SC.912.P.8.4, SC.912.P.8.10.

Tom The Atom - Book 21

Learning Objectives (New Concepts: After this lesson, students will review the concepts learned on NOBLE GASES' idea of full valence band inactive atoms). Curriculum: Framework: PS1.A. NGSS: MS-PS1-1, HS-PS1-1, HS-PS1-3. NGSSS: SC.8.P.8.7, SC.912.P.8.4, SC.912.P.8.6.

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